Horse Notes

March 31, 2024

Hello again,

This is another quick visit back a few months to see what we were doing around the ranch at the end of March.  The first shot is a diagram sent to me from the horse rescue where we got our mustangs on how to properly set up a corral to load horses onto a trailer.  Then, one of the marks left on the fencing when I tried to do that very thing with Hidalgo!  Next, two shots of our old stallion, Milagros, who is starting to get a little forgetful and wanders away from the rest of the horses(or they from him) and then I have to go out and find him.  Then, three shots of a cool bird nest that I found a little further north of the houses where the pinyons and junipers start to switch to ponderosa pines and other actual, large trees.  Next, a chilly scene of the San Juan Jose Mesa from the patio.  Then, some late season flurries giving a little color to an otherwise drab day.  Next, channeling the water that runs off of the boss's big roof away from the house and into a huge underground pit of pumice stones...this was after quite the gullywasher!  And, finally, a couple shots of some hay that we were selling to someone down at the bar and my view one chilly morning as I was warming up the backhoe and getting ready to put it to work.

Be good.